
Knowledge Management Collaborative

KM Collaborative is both a transformational technology service and an invaluable peer-learning community. 38 philanthropy-serving organizations have joined forces to create, maintain and continually improve our industry-leading technology platform powered by Salesforce and Drupal.


In this section, you’ll learn the various ways you can receive Support from the Community and Support from the Forum and KM Collaborative Vendors. KM Partners are encouraged to reach out for help through any of the channels that make sense for their use cases and learning styles.

Support from the Community

KM Slack Workspace

The KM Collaborative Slack Workspace is a space for channel-based peer communication. You can use Slack to:

  • Search for answers to your questions
  • Follow up on a message thread where a similar issue, that you currently have, was solved
  • Ask questions about the Forum’s Drupal Distribution and Salesforce Package
  • Continue discussions started during Office Hours
  • Respond to requests for feedback and recommendations from your peers
  • React with a Slackmoji (Slack emoji) to acknowledge a message and boost support

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KM Office Hours

Office Hours are held 3 Wednesdays every month (with a few bonus calls sprinkled throughout the year). Typically, there are two programmed calls a month and one Open Floor call. Platform updates, knowledge sharing, and community building are all crucial aspects of Office Hours.

The programmed calls feature knowledge sharing from the Forum and KM Partners. Sometimes when there are demos or screenshares, the Forum records the call and add it to the website. See some of our recent, engaging KM Calls in their on-demand glory!

All KM Key Contacts, plus any other staff at KM Partner organizations who are interested in attending, can attend Office Hours. Contact the Knowledge Services Team at to be added to the Office Hours calls via a calendar invite

Support from the Forum and KM Collaborative Vendors

KM Support Request Form

The KM Support Request Form is available to all KM Partners. Each PSO has its own Support Project via the Forum’s Asana Account. KM Partners can submit support requests to:

  • Report an issue on your website or in your database
  • Request assistance with an error message
  • Submit requirements for a new feature or functionality

Click Here for the KM Support Request Form

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KM Consulting Services

Some KM Partners may require hands-on assistance such as data migration, configuration, custom training, launch assistance, etc., which are classified as Consulting Services. The Forum staff provides these services for an hourly fee*, exclusive of work performed by the KM Collaborative vendors at an hourly rate structure outlined below. Consulting Services projects estimated for 5 hours or less do not require a signed contract with a KM Partner; while not requiring a signed contract, these hours are still billable.

Any Consulting Services request requires minimum advance notice of two weeks, preferably longer. We will make every effort to accommodate rushed requests, but cannot guarantee it. Consultations with the Forum staff are common, non-billable, and encouraged.

Feel free to book a consultation by contacting
*All support options are provided by Forum’s staff under Consulting Services at an hourly rate of $110 in 2022.

To learn more, review the KM Consulting Services Support Options.

Engagement and Participation

The KM Community is for partners of our Drupal-Salesforce Platform. With the support of the Forum staff, members work together to manage and improve our custom-built Drupal-Salesforce platform and resolve any emergent issues.

How We Communicate

  • Weekly Office Hours calls featuring updates on platform projects and an open-ended discussion portion during which any member can ask questions of the group.
  • An annual in-person or virtual gathering, known as Users Group, that follows the Forum’s annual conference and includes a discussion of potential group projects, upcoming updates, and separate tracks for new and advanced users.
  • An active Slack workspace with dedicated channels on core topics, such as Drupal and Salesforce, and breakout discussions on special items, such as taxonomy or Dreamforce.

How We Manage the Platform

  • A five-to-eight member Knowledge Management (KM) Committee that meets at least quarterly to discuss the future of the Collaborative and make recommendations to the Forum Board of Directors on major issues.
  • A six-to-eight member Advisory Group of ‘power users’ that meets weekly.
  • Three eight-to-fifteen member Working Groups that convene volunteers to work on related issues:

Documentation Working Group

Drupal Working Group

Salesforce Working Group


Knowledge Management

December 18

KM CEOs Call

3:00pm to 4:00pm EST


Members Only
Knowledge Management

July 17-18

2019 Knowledge Management Collaborative Users Group Meeting

3:00pm to 4:00pm EDT

Cleveland, OH

Members Only


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A comprehensive guide developed by the Forum to help PSOs transition to the Drupal-Salesforce platform. This guide outlines the steps necessary to implement an integrated content strategy and migration plan for a new website.

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All Rights Reserved.

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