
Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

United Philanthropy Forum’s key strategic priorities include a focus on advancing racial equity, diversity and inclusion in philanthropy. The Forum envisions a courageous philanthropic sector that catalyzes a just and equitable society where all can participate and prosper. It is not possible for us to achieve this vision without addressing racial equity.


This report represents the latest in an effort by Philanthropy-Serving Organizations (PSOs) to advance philanthropic practice and impact by centering racial equity. Written by some members of United Philanthropy Forum’s Racial Equity Committee together with Community Centered Evaluation & Research, the report is based on findings of the Forum’s inaugural Racial Equity Capacity Assessment for PSOs. Nearly three-quarters of Forum members completed the assessment, which provides a baseline to examine PSOs’ internal efforts and external programming in advancing racial equity. The Forum also completed the assessment, and is using the results to inform the Forum’s internal racial equity work.

Key Learnings from the Assessment

  • PSOs internal efforts to advance racial equity are in the initial stages of development.
  • It is imperative that PSOs focus on their internal growth and development.
  • PSOs most commonly referred members to external sources of information to support their understanding and advancement of racial equity efforts.
  • Use peer community listserv to discuss and uplift public policy best practices.
  • Alignment between PSOs’ internal racial equity efforts and their external programming was reported as a work in progress.
  • PSOs concentrated their resources on building either their external programming or developing their internal structures, policies, and practices – nearly none worksimped on both simultaneously.
Read Full Assessment

The Forum supports efforts to address equity in all areas of society. But if you look at just about any issue that philanthropy cares about, from education to health care to the environment, some of the greatest disparities are along racial and ethnic lines. These racial disparities have persisted for decades, and in many cases the gaps are widening. It is impossible to make significant progress on any of these issues without focusing on how to narrow these gaps.

The Forum’s work is guided by our Racial Equity Committee, which is comprised of representatives of regional and national PSOs that are further along in their racial equity work. The group is co-chaired by Susan Taylor Batten, President & CEO of the ABFE- A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities.

Case Stories

Funders Together to End Homelessness: A Racial Equity Learning Journey

Funders Together to End Homelessness began its racial equity journey in 2016. Its case story explains how the PSO named racial equity in its strategic plan and embarked on a learning journey together with its board, staff, and members to normalize the conversation about structural and historic racism and how it contributes to disparities in the homelessness system. The story also describes how Funders Together created a two-year community of practice, called Foundations for Racial Equity (FRE), that has been a critical part of its journey, and how its codified its racial equity work through the creation of its Commitment to Racial Equity.

Listen to Funders Together’s CEO Amanda Misiko Andere talk about her organization’s racial equity journey:

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Southeastern Council of Foundations: An Experiential Racial Equity Journey

In early 2018, the Southeastern Council of Foundations (SECF) along with its board undertook a racial equity learning journey in order to develop an Equity Framework that would describe and define SECF’s character, what it stood for, and what its leaders were willing to fight for. The decision to develop the Equity Framework was the culmination of years of work. SECF’s case story explains how the organization used data to inform the development of its Equity Framework, created an Equity Task Force to lead the effort of developing a Framework, and engaged board, staff and Task Force members in a racial equity learning journey.

Listen to SECF’s President & CEO Janine talk about her organization’s racial equity journey

Read Case Story


Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

April 13-15

Harambee 2023: Let’s All Pull Together

Thu, Apr 13, 2023 to Sat, Apr 15, 2023

Raleigh, NC

Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

April 13

Understanding and Advancing Funder Partnership with Parents

3:00pm to 4:00pm EDT


Members Only

Featured Resources

Awake to Woke to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture

Equity in the Center's report provides insights, tactics, and practices social sector organizations can and have used to measurably shift organizational culture, operationalize equity, and move from a dominant organizational culture to a Race Equity Culture.

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Equity Glossary

From Change Elemental

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PSFG Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Resources

A living list, updated occasionally by Peace and Security Funders Group, its members, and its partners. The original list was compiled by Maegan Scott of Wayfinding Partners, with whom PSFG worked to develop its DEI work plan.

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Racial Equity Tools

Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large.

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Forum Members Respond to Latest Calls for Racial Justice

The Forum and our members are responding to the latest murders of unarmed people of color by police and protests worldwide calling for racial justice, justice reform and police reform.

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Racial Equity Listserv

Join our new Racial Equity Listserv created to support an open exchange of equity-focused learnings, ideas, practices and tools among Forum members.

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Video Series

In a three-part video series, we share our members and colleagues perspectives on different aspects of racial equity. Our goal with these videos is to spark continued thinking and conversations that will lead to action in our field to reduce inequities based on race and ethnicity.

Racial Equity Is...

A look at how our members, along with some of our colleagues and friends, define racial equity.

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Racial Equity and Forum Members’ Work

Our members share some of the strategies, struggles and successes of their ongoing racial equity work.

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Personal Stories of Racial Equity Work

Our members and colleagues share some deeply moving stories of the role that racial equity plays in their personal lives.

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