
Peer Communities


The Communications Peer Community is for those with a communications role at a PSO. Topics for discussion may include newsletter, social media strategy, website and other content curation, writing op-eds, etc.

Membership of this Peer Community includes:

  • Communications Listserv ( You must be a member of the Forum & this Peer Community to post to this list.
  • Three round-robin calls per year
  • Forum’s Annual Conference virtual session

Interested in joining the Communications Peer Community?

Submit Your Email Here

Communications Peer Community Events

PSO Practice

October 25

Communications Peer Community

3:00pm to 4:00pm EDT


Members Only
PSO Practice

December 13

Communications Peer Community

2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT


Members Only
PSO Practice

December 13

Communications Peer Community

2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT


Members Only

Leadership and Roster


Berkeley Bryant

Program Coordinator, Blue Sky Funders Forum


Leslie Nwosu

External Affairs Associate, ABFE

Forum Staff Lead:

Brandon Iracks-Edelin (202-991-5217)

Finance and Administration Peer Community Directory

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Each philanthropy-serving organization (PSO), depending on its size, scope of its membership, and needs of its constituents, has something unique to offer to the field of philanthropy. The ability to share this information and these experiences with colleagues is one of the Forum's top priorities.

An excellent tipsheet of Do's and Don'ts during the interview process with media developed by Tom Wadsworth of Wadsworth Communications.

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